Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Just another letter.

intan nur hadilah

There’s an amazing thing about broken hearts. 
When you don’t get what you want, you discover a need.
When you discover a need, you begin to ask.
When a request is unfulfilled, you keep asking.

Sometimes He doesn’t give you what you ask for when He wants to give you something more.
Sometimes He doesn’t give you right away because He knows there’s something better. Or so you can keep asking. Because it is in the process of begging, the process of crying to Allah, that you are elevated and brought nearer.

It is in the process of asking that you are brought to the foot of His throne.
It is your need and helplessness that drove you to His throne. He deprives to give.

-  Yasmin Mogahed


Mungkin mereka tak tahu atau tak perlu tahu.
Kadang-kadang aku penat. Letih. Bosan.
Kenapa perlu wujud masalah semua ni? Sampai bila nak selesai?
Tersepit di tengah-tengah.
Di sini berkata begini, di sana berkata begitu.
Ditelan mata mak, diluah mati bapak.
Takpe, masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri.

"Bersangka baik, bersangka baik, bersangka baik." 
Benda yang aku selalu ingat kan hati -- setakat yang mampu.

Sebab aku selalu tahu, aku belajar banyak benda.
Nilai hidup yang Tuhan bagi sebagai ganti.
Yang cikgu atau lecturer kat sekolah tak boleh ajar.

Alhamdulillah even for the bad. As hard as it is to believe, it can be so much worse.

the third one.
Because it is in the process of begging, the process of crying to Allah, that you are elevated and brought nearer."

Jangan berhenti berharap.
Tapi apa-apa pun,yang aku tahu dapat gaji bulan ni, 31st March aku NAK Baskin Robbin.
Okay tidur.

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