Wednesday, 30 December 2009



Brb - be right back
Stfu - Shut the fuck up
g2g - Got to go
afk - away from keyboard
lmao - laugh my ass off
omg - oh my god
w/e - Whatever
j/k - Just joking
nvm - nevermind
nm - nothing much
ntm - Nothing to much
LMFAO - Laugh my fucking ass off
j/p - just playing
OMFG - Oh my fucking god
ROLF - Rolling on the floor laughing
FYI - For your information
GGP - Gotta Go Pee
lol - laugh out loud
ttyl - talk to you later
s.s.s - sorry so sloppy
ty - Thank you
ily - i love you
lyl - love you lots
lylas - love you like a sister
bbl - be back later
NOYB - None of your business
OIC - Oh, I see
ASL - Age/sex/location
PLS - Please
PLZ - Please
PM - Private Message
RUOK - Are you okay?
CYA - see ya
d/q - Disconected
srry - sorry
Sup - Whats up
TBC - To be continued
Gf - Girlfriend
bf - Boyfriend
Thx - Thnx - Thanks
18er - Later
GR8 - Great
ur - Your
IMO - In my opinion
r/l - real life
j00r - Your
JAC - Just a sec
JIC - Just in case
JMO - Just my opinion
KISS - keep it simple stupid
Wsp - Whats up
x - kiss
XLNT - Excellent
m8 - Mate
zzzz - for sleeping
idc - i don't care
idk - i don't know
ftw - For the win
this might help intan =p

1 comment:

hanaa (: said...


LMAO! :p

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