takde rule lg kn kne typing in English.
SO, i decided for this post kte 'mix and match' language,okay sarah? ;)
esok biology test.
but then dah separa give up nak paham apa itu natural selection, diversifying selection.*B for Boring* ;)
and yeah thanks to mereka yg call td and naturally meng-hyper-kn intan nur hadilah.
thanks also too caffeine and maggi tomyam :D
ohh yeah. terfikir again. hari hari apa benda lah nak post kat sini.
luahan hati? update life? haha. whatever ;P
mcm suka hati lah wehh. itu pun nak tanya lg ke.
so td dgn hyper nya tanya few people,
'okay! in 10-15 words. what is blog to you? korang cepat lah jwb. tak leh fikir. kne natural! *perhh, mesti annoying kn :D*
and below are the answer to my annoying-whatever question ;
"blog utk org baca,memahami dan melihat dunia saya." -Nur Hidayat Purdiono
"apa ni weh?! hurm,daily routine to do things kot." -Sarah Hani
*haha,chill lah sarah. jgn lah cuak. :P*
"its one of the best way to express opinion and how we feel freely."-Geetha
*fyi; since die brilliant, actually die ksi pnjg gler. boleh lah wat short essay.SERIUS.
"where we express ourselves into words or literally." -ahmad farhan ahmad
*sorry for the answer-pressure. 10 saat jek.cepat! :D*
"tempat express idea. and yeah shuttle 'masuk mahkamah'! :D"
-Mas Qistina
*ahaa,nice one mek*
"a way to introduce ourselves to the society in a larger scale." -Fathin Amirah
"satu tempat utk luahkan something yang kita malu nak express depan depan in public" -muzzammil
and my answer? hurmm,tak terfikir lagi. its totally up to you.
bila sign in, its like going into your own world. thats MY view.
dah blog sendiri,ikut suka lah kn? ;)
tak puas hati? coment box provided. *emo emo.haha*
oryte. buku bio dah menyeru. study study.
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