just came home 4rm an outing.
same old places.but new memories, i shud say :D
dis morn.9.3am..msj came in.nad cant make it.her uncle passed away dis morn.so,she had to go back to her hometwn.
so,i msjed intn.both of us.were,not sure whether to go on with our plan..
met up intn at w.maju station.
she called me a boyan.fine :P
but at that moment.v had nthing in mind.wher to go.wat to eat.etc etc.
hnestly,like mumy said."ni jalan xde hala tuju"
so,reached in klcc.
walk walk.while figuring out.wher to eat.
dere was dis lego exhibition at d main centre.so,v went into it.saw.taj mahal,klcc,COLOSEUM(rome,intan!).d mini sezes of them.build using lego ;) cool stuffs.
den v make our way to d exit.v were so crtical in making up our minds.to decide on a place to eat.so,fine..
ooooo jus :D
*2times i won ok! dat was a superb record of mine ;)*
pavvy..went to carl's jr.while waiting 4 a take away food.v criticised on their VERY POOR service.n wut dey shud do to improve ;)
walk.to ts.played bowling
1 game 4 a start.
intan won wif score of 126.n mine was half of hers *calculator* ;D
x puas hati..fine.went to d counter.to get anoder game
i lost again....ahhh.bt her score was nt dat high 4 d 2nd time.:P mine? was better than b4.bt stil.bad! haha.dere were so many boyan-ese.i culdn't concentrate on d game.*alasann* :D
congrats intan.tuah je tu.haha
went n get a donut 4rm krispy kreme.d service dere.hnestly,mcm terlebih mesra.haha.n v felt dat.some of their workers shud go n work in carl's jr.cz in a kinda small donut shop in ts.their workers were like all over ;D n intn planned to get a crocs 4 herself..*thinkng*
walk to low yat den.went to search.4 dis particular shop.cz last sat.i've surveyed a bag.n dat shop.gave d best price amongst others..intn tried to bargain 4 a lwer price..*i saw a future mak cik in intan juz nw* haha!:D got dat bag.but wen i was at d cashier.a 2nd tot came by.telling me to think twice.thrice..or more times.to either decide on this bag.oh blahh.pay off.n v head to pavvy again
i was so thirsty.since afta bwling.bt my aim was to buy a rm1 plain wtr.so,in ts.7-eleven.rm1+..
finee...move on to pavvy.stdrd pavvy rm 1.5..fine..went to klcc foodcourt.rm1.8.blah! wher's rm1 plain air kosong! ishh..everyone nk mark up price gila2..howeva,i kept faith in a shop.i believe to sell.a rm1 *any brand* water ;D
into klcc again.while walking back..at d aquaria site.met erfi and dzafran.so,v split into two.i talked to erfi.n intn talked to dzaf ;) n yea.intn tot.erfi looks ..hm.. :)) but i think he looks just himself.heh.
so,went up d escalators.to everlast.cz intn planned to buy a pair of shoes.cnsidering crocs to expensiv.everlast pun jd ah ;p so,yea..went to d nearest cimb atm.in4rnt of us.dis kkk was using d machine.afta her,intn make her way to d screen.n wut appear was "sorry.out of service".so,she went blah! :D i made her withdraw her mney.4rm a diff bank atm machine.rm1 je :P got her a pair of shoes.lawa lawa =)
took the train.talk.talk.talk.talk.lots of words came out.open up session.haha! :P
took the bus home.had some cnflicts.mumy was angry.i came home latee.
ahhh.dats all i think.d whole outing ;D

pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
harap maklum.
babe, ble aku kt ko boyan.
aku just ckp ko cliche' ngn bjuk kotak2.
ahaa, i cant play under pressure with day red gothic and blue ribbon gurls were around. seriusly!
congrats fr the mineral.
u just save 50cent!
gi roxy jom esk.
along: nah! ambik ah.d last pic.is my fav.lawa lawa kn?:D edit lawa :P
*yesterdy,x byk snap pic ah*
intan: wei."it's nothing ok.just 50cents.." dalam slang singaporean malays.haha.babe,determination it is.rm1 air kosong.wujud!:D
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